What Shirt Do You Wear if U Get Dress Coded

Everyone who goes to middle school will have at least some sort of dress code to follow. Thus, clothing guidelines should be expected whether you go to a private or public school. Due to this general standard, middle school students often wonder what clothes fit within the dress code when back-to-school shopping.

The dress code in most middle schools encourages students to wear clothing that is not distracting or inappropriate. While some dress codes are stricter than others, this typically means students should avoid clothing that is too tight, is too revealing, or includes indecent images or words.

These broad guidelines will help you decide what clothes to buy for school, but they don't cover everything. Next, we will go over more specific examples and definitions so you can be prepared to start middle school off on the right foot.

Public vs. Private Middle School Dress Codes

Before we get into the little details of the middle school dress code, we should talk about the differences in dress codes of public and private schools. Not all middle schools have the same dress code, and some of them have more rules than others. The most significant indicator of whether your middle school will have a strict or lenient dress code is if your school is a public or private institution.

Public Middle School Dress Code

Public schools typically have much more relaxed dress codes. While not all are the same, they usually have fewer restrictions on appropriate clothing than private schools.

Since the typical student body size at public schools is so large, many school administrations often do not feel it is necessary to commit their time and effort toward policing students' clothing. After all, it can be tough to enforce a dress code when you have to patrol hundreds of students.

Plus, public schools are not independently run institutions. Consequently, they do not have to uphold the same stringent reputation as private schools because there's no need for them to convince families of their academic prestige. Since they don't have to promote a disciplined standing, they also don't have to give students as strict of an environment to learn in, as families will send their middle schoolers to their district's school regardless.

The dress codes in public schools have some similarities with private schools, in that many don't allow girls to have tops that are too low and revealing. Furthermore, it is standard for the dress code not to let girls' midriffs show. Lastly,they also prohibit vulgar imagery or words on clothing. Contrary to many private schools, some public schools allow tank tops, shorts, short dresses, and leggings.

Private Middle School Dress Code

Private schools are known to have stricter dress codes than public schools because they have a high standard to keep. Displaying academic excellence both mentally and physically is a strong selling point to parents. Therefore, they need to set up a learning environment that is not distracting in any way, and that includes utilizing a dress code. In truth, private schools must convince parents to send their children to their institutions because they depend heavily on student tuition.

Many private schools have specific uniforms instead of just a general dress code. One set outfit makes it easier to regulate what is and isn't appropriate to wear to school. If it is not the uniform, then it is not allowed; it's that simple. So if you are going to a private school with a standard uniform, you won't need to worry about whether or not your school clothes are acceptable for school. All you need is a few uniform sets, and you will be ready to go.

On the other hand, if you are going to a private school without a standard uniform, they will likely have a stringent dress code to follow. While some other schools in your area may allow shorts, tank tops, and leggings, your school might not. Things like dresses will likely be allowed as long as they meet the length requirements, and most graphic t-shirts will be allowed as long as they are not inappropriate.


From here onwards, we will discuss some general guidelines for middle school students to follow when picking a school outfit. These guidelines assume that the school does not have a uniform. If you are still unsure if something is appropriate for school, save it for a different day and ask a teacher if it would be appropriate. You can usually find your school's dress code on their website or in their handbook if you need specifics. Tops are the first category of clothing that we will talk about, as it has the most variety.

T-shirts usually have the most straightforward rules in any dress code. They should not have any pictures that promote gangs, drugs, alcohol, or inappropriate humor. The words on t-shirts should also remain clean and appropriate. The t-shirt should fit well, not be too baggy or too tight, and it should cover the midriff. Most middle schools prefer that the top be long enough to go past the waist of your pants, and some even require that it be tucked in.

Tank tops are usually not allowed in middle schools because many schools require the shoulders to be covered at all times. However, if your school does allow tank tops, many have a three-finger rule regarding the straps. Generally, the strap should be at least three fingers wide (or about two inches). This rule ensures that no bra straps will be left exposed.

In addition, the tank top should not be cut low in the front or back, and it should also cover the midriff. For boys, the tank top must have sufficient material along the sides. Nothing more than the armpit should be shown when they lift their arms.

Other tops besides t-shirts and tank tops must be appropriately sized and cover the student's body properly. Many schools prohibit:

  • low-cut tops in the back or front
  • see-through tops
  • tight or baggy tops
  • tops with holes or rips

Blouses and jackets are included in this category and should follow the correct rules. Typically, if there is an appropriate piece of clothing underneath a see-through top, it is okay. As long as the midriff, cleavage, and back are covered, then a top is appropriate.

Pants & Shorts


Every middle school allows pants, and jeans and slacks are considered suitable pants to wear. However, pants must be sized and worn appropriately, meaning that they should fit well around the waist or hips, not sag, and not drag on the ground when walking. Some schools allow ripped and distressed jeans, but many require that pants be clean cut with no rips, distressed fabric, or fraying.

Pants that are often not allowed are leggings and sweat pants. Many schools say that if the pants don't have pockets, then they are not allowed. Some schools allow leggings as long as there is a dress or long shirt over them. Many schools do not allow leggings, so be sure to check your middle school's dress code before showing up in them. Sweat pants can sometimes be seen as unkempt, but they are usually allowed, so don't fret too much about them.


Not every school allows shorts, but assuming that your middle school does, we will talk about their requirements. If a school allows shorts, they usually follow the fingertip rule. Simply put, when shorts are worn, they must go past the student's fingertips when their arms are at their side. Students should not be able to touch skin with their fingertips when they perform this test. Other middle schools require student's shorts to be two inches above the knee or less.


Dresses are typically allowed in middle schools, but they have their own set of rules as well. For example, dresses are often required to follow the fingertip rule, which means that the student should not touch the skin on their legs when their arms are down. Similarly, they also might be required to be two inches above the knee or less.

Dresses are one of the exceptions to a no-leggings rule. It is appropriate to wear leggings under a dress as long as it follows the fingertip rule. Dresses should not be low cut in the front or back, and they should cover the shoulders. The general rule on dresses is that they should follow the same rules for tops and shorts.


Not all schools enforce a dress code on shoes, but it is usually pretty lenient if they do. In general, most middle schools prefer their students to wear shoes covering their feet and toes, like sneakers or boots. Furthermore, many middle schools allow sandals (with some restrictions). Beach or loungewear shoes, like flip flops, are not appropriate. However, sandals with a strap in the back and front are acceptable, as most schools only want students' shoes to stay on their feet.

High heels are usually not recommended, but they are not necessarily banned most of the time. Often, heels are discouraged because they inhibit a student's ability to move around and pose a problem when they walk between classes. It is up to the student to decide if they want to wear heels to school. Occasionally, heels that are too high or are not secure are prohibited.

Hair, Makeup, Jewelry, & Nail Polish


The last part of any student dress code is hair, makeup, and jewelry. While this may not be considered "clothing" per se, it is crucial for any student's appearance. For this reason, all of these appearance traits should refrain from being distracting or extreme.

Hair should be a natural color. A student with bright or unnatural hair colors may need to get their hair recolored before returning to school. Extreme hairstyles are not allowed, as they are distracting to other students around them.


Many young girls start wearing makeup when they are in middle school, so it should be no surprise that there are rules governing makeup use. These rules most often encourage girls to wear an appropriate amount of makeup that does not look unnatural. Bright, artificial colors and extreme looks are considered inappropriate because of their potentially distracting qualities.


Any jewelry and accessories should not divert the attention of other students. Thus, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and rings should not be overly large or otherwise distracting. Piercings in the nose, lips, eyebrows, or other parts of the face are not permitted. In addition, more than one set of earrings in the ears is not appropriate. In short, any jewelry should look neat and orderly.

Nail Polish

Furthermore, most public schools allow students to wear nail polish. However, the nail polish color should not be excessively bright, but a neutral shade. Again, this comes down to respecting other students and not taking their concentration away from class. Be wary, though, as some schools may not allow nail polish at all.

Why Have a Dress Code?

There have been debates for a long time about the necessity of dress codes and whether or not they benefit the students. Parents and students often ask, "What is the real reason for implementing a dress code?" There is a perfectly good answer to that question.

Middle schools, and other levels of education, have dress codes to cultivate an environment where students can learn without the distraction of extreme clothing and the appearance of other students. Dress codes help keep everyone on the same page of modesty so that no student is uncomfortable with another student's dressing standard. The standard is the same for everyone, which helps create unity within the school.

Another reason many schools have a dress code is to help students learn skills in dressing appropriately for the occasion. When middle schoolers are relaxing at home or are out at the mall, they can wear whatever they please. However, when they are at school, they need to dress the part. A dress code teaches middle schoolers that they need to dress modestly and appropriately in certain environments, like a work setting, for instance. These professional dressing habits help prepare students for jobs in the future.

Schools that require uniforms instead of just a dress code use them to create a sense of unity. Plus, uniforms take the pressure off of students to make the "popular" clothing choice. Moreover, it encourages students to concentrate on learning in a school environment instead of on clothing choices. In short, both uniforms and dress codes keep the learning environment focused and appropriate for every student.


Source: https://outscholar.com/middle-school-dress-code-what-you-can-cant-wear/

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